The Universal Sea Book Launch at Universität der Künste

The Universal Sea Book has landed! – Book Launch Flashback

The Universal Sea team were excited to finally present the launch of our book: The Universal Sea – The art ...
Jeremy Bishop_unsplash_Book Launch

The Universal Sea Book Launch at Universität der Künste

We cordially invite you to the Book Launch of The Universal Sea – The art and innovation guide against the plastic ...

liina klauss

Curating the Beach Weekly Excerpts #10: 07/03/2019 We have 8 days to go before the book launch of our guide. We ...

Robertina Šebjanič

Aquatocene- Aural Interception of a Troubled (Subquatic World) Weekly Excerpts #9: 01/03/2019 We have 2 weeks to go before the ...
Olga Skoczyla - cultural design

Cultural Design

Olga Skoczylas on The Time of Art-Driven Innovators Weekly Excerpts #8: 21/02/2019 We have 3 weeks to go before the ...


Weekly Excerpts #7: 15/02/2019 We have 4 weeks to go before the book launch of our guide. We want you to ...