TUS Art Gallery

Our EU co-funded project The Universal Sea ran three Open Calls to Artists. A big thank to all artists for their great contributions! Here you can find our online art gallery of the Top 100 submissions of our first open call as a reference. They were all published in the guidebook.

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" Thirsty" and "Ocean SPA"
by Ernesta Dirbanauskaite
Contest is finished!
" Thirsty" and "Ocean SPA"

Ernesta Dirbanauskaite

As you can see I upload 4 different pictures, two of them on a upper part of image is called "Thirsty". I hang my body with plastic "ropes", that I could'nt reach the glass of water, staying like this for hours, big clock next to me counting every second. Second picture I have plastic "ropes" around and a plastic bottle on a floor , I try and try to open it, I try to fulfill my body water,balance myself, physically and emotionally clock is counting every second. I'm trying. You're welcome to help, audience is welcome to help me to drink. It is simple image, but also very realistic in my view. We choose to forget that somebody is thirsty everyday. That water is polluted, that we are water and not making chance disbalance us. Two following pictures down is creating more comical image witch I called "Ocean SPA". It is grotesque reality, everybody welcome to join and get beauty procedures of plastic peelings and masks. Comedy makes problem a little lither, more easy to look,more easy to discuss, inside of big bath or pool with more people trying to feel how does it feel to be inside of this kind of water. I choose to represent both of images just simply because it's so connected for me. One image makes other stronger and reverse.
As you can see I upload 4 different pictures, two of them on a upper part of image is called "Thirsty". I hang my body with plastic "ropes", that I could'nt reach the glass of water, staying like this for hours, big clock next to me counting every second. Second picture I have plastic "ropes" around and a plastic bottle on a floor , I try and try to open it, I try to fulfill my body water,balance myself, physically and emotionally clock is counting every second. I'm trying. You're welcome to help, audience is welcome to help me to drink. It is simple image, but also very realistic in my view. We choose to forget that somebody is thirsty everyday. That water is polluted, that we are water and not making chance disbalance us. Two following pictures down is creating more comical image witch I called "Ocean SPA". It is grotesque reality, everybody welcome to join and get beauty procedures of plastic peelings and masks. Comedy makes problem a little lither, more easy to look,more easy to discuss, inside of big bath or pool with more people trying to feel how does it feel to be inside of this kind of water. I choose to represent both of images just simply because it's so connected for me. One image makes other stronger and reverse.
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