TUS Art Gallery

Our EU co-funded project The Universal Sea ran three Open Calls to Artists. A big thank to all artists for their great contributions! Here you can find our online art gallery of the Top 100 submissions of our first open call as a reference. They were all published in the guidebook.

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Cages of tranquillity #1
by Barbara Nati
Contest is finished!
Cages of tranquillity #1

Barbara Nati

As almost all of the land above and below sea level has been explored, humans have anthropomorphized nature to the point of turning it into mere statistics, which are essential to the development of devices, nutrition plans and sports training. The unknown is neglected, or is rather, compartmentalized within the wider agenda, and thus easily dealt with.
As almost all of the land above and below sea level has been explored, humans have anthropomorphized nature to the point of turning it into mere statistics, which are essential to the development of devices, nutrition plans and sports training. The unknown is neglected, or is rather, compartmentalized within the wider agenda, and thus easily dealt with.
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