TUS Art Gallery

Our EU co-funded project The Universal Sea ran three Open Calls to Artists. A big thank to all artists for their great contributions! Here you can find our online art gallery of the Top 100 submissions of our first open call as a reference. They were all published in the guidebook.

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Sirens (Parthenope)
by Sarah Julig
Contest is finished!
Sirens (Parthenope)

Sarah Julig

This piece was made from ocean trash I gathered while staying on an island off the coast of Taiwan. Most of the beaches there were covered in a sickening amount of trash, and I was sunned at the miles of colorful plastic trash on the beaches. To make this sculpture plastic trash was cut into small beads and woven into floating nets for use in performances and an upcoming video. The series includes 5 nets of different colors and a few ceramic anchors. All were made with trash gathered in Taiwan. The nets are named after the different sirens who tempted Odysseus. This piece is called Parthenope, after the siren who failed to tempt Odysseus and then threw herself into the sea. Like the sirens, the plastic objects that will become our trash are beautiful and tempting as they lure us to the destruction of our oceans and the environment that supports us.
This piece was made from ocean trash I gathered while staying on an island off the coast of Taiwan. Most of the beaches there were covered in a sickening amount of trash, and I was sunned at the miles of colorful plastic trash on the beaches. To make this sculpture plastic trash was cut into small beads and woven into floating nets for use in performances and an upcoming video. The series includes 5 nets of different colors and a few ceramic anchors. All were made with trash gathered in Taiwan. The nets are named after the different sirens who tempted Odysseus. This piece is called Parthenope, after the siren who failed to tempt Odysseus and then threw herself into the sea. Like the sirens, the plastic objects that will become our trash are beautiful and tempting as they lure us to the destruction of our oceans and the environment that supports us.
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