TUS Art Gallery

Our EU co-funded project The Universal Sea ran three Open Calls to Artists. A big thank to all artists for their great contributions! Here you can find our online art gallery of the Top 100 submissions of our first open call as a reference. They were all published in the guidebook.

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Sinking in this sea is (not) sweet to me
by Pablo Dilet
Contest is finished!
Sinking in this sea is (not) sweet to me

Pablo Dilet

Water is the most precious material in the world: in one word, it represents the LIFE. But today, water is at a big risk because of pollution and of the numerous unacceptable behaviours of people. Oceans are filled of plastic, in Italy beaches are polluted by cotton buds and rivers are used as rubbish dumps. But thanks to Art we can do something to save the water. • We must be informed and we must inform • We must be educated respecting nature and we must educate the next generations to respect nature • We must be proactive everyday applying good practices for the change I created an art installation that can answer to these fundamental points and can create a suggestion about our role in the safeguard of water. I reflected on one of the most famous Italian poem in the world, “The Infinito” of Leopardi. He wrote at the end of the poem “… and sinking in this sea is sweet to me”. The Infinito (infinity) takes us to imagine and dream about beauty. But sinking in a contaminated water is NOT sweet. So, I decided to create my artwork modifying Leopardi’s poem: “Sinking in this sea is (not) sweet to me”. I decided to focus on the pure water and on its opposite, the plastic waste. The artwork represents a boat that wrecks in a plastic sea. At the horizon, there is a glass of pure water. The boat is created using newspaper (be informed), the plastic makes the navigation impossible (be educated), but the horizon is the hope (be proactive). “Sinking in this sea is (not) sweet to me” has an important dual role as an artwork addressed to adults, which looking at the artwork will reflect on their everyday behaviours and on their consequences, and also an art-education project that has the potential to educate the new generations. Children will build a boat using a newspaper, afterwards they will put plastic in a glass container but the boat will only navigate when the plastic will be removed and the water will be clean again. At last, water and the LIFE will be saved.
Water is the most precious material in the world: in one word, it represents the LIFE. But today, water is at a big risk because of pollution and of the numerous unacceptable behaviours of people. Oceans are filled of plastic, in Italy beaches are polluted by cotton buds and rivers are used as rubbish dumps. But thanks to Art we can do something to save the water. • We must be informed and we must inform • We must be educated respecting nature and we must educate the next generations to respect nature • We must be proactive everyday applying good practices for the change I created an art installation that can answer to these fundamental points and can create a suggestion about our role in the safeguard of water. I reflected on one of the most famous Italian poem in the world, “The Infinito” of Leopardi. He wrote at the end of the poem “… and sinking in this sea is sweet to me”. The Infinito (infinity) takes us to imagine and dream about beauty. But sinking in a contaminated water is NOT sweet. So, I decided to create my artwork modifying Leopardi’s poem: “Sinking in this sea is (not) sweet to me”. I decided to focus on the pure water and on its opposite, the plastic waste. The artwork represents a boat that wrecks in a plastic sea. At the horizon, there is a glass of pure water. The boat is created using newspaper (be informed), the plastic makes the navigation impossible (be educated), but the horizon is the hope (be proactive). “Sinking in this sea is (not) sweet to me” has an important dual role as an artwork addressed to adults, which looking at the artwork will reflect on their everyday behaviours and on their consequences, and also an art-education project that has the potential to educate the new generations. Children will build a boat using a newspaper, afterwards they will put plastic in a glass container but the boat will only navigate when the plastic will be removed and the water will be clean again. At last, water and the LIFE will be saved.
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