The title “MERMAID'S TEARS” comes from the name given to plastic microbeads that you can founds in every sea in the world and in tap whater too, both made by the marine erosion of abandoned plastic material, and coming from spills of ship cargoes accidentally or deliberately, harming marine life and affecting human health. The installation is composed of several elements in drop (tear) shaped, made with hundreds of pieces of daily waste plastic, joined by metal rivets. Each "Mermaid Tear" takes on a thorny and dangerous aspect, deliberately in contrast with the captivating colors of the material, which is why we are often attracted and drived to buy it. In fact, the installation wants to be a focus on individual responsibility, and ask questions to move towards the awareness of the relevance of our daily choices, even small ones. The installation has a vaiable number of "Tears" according to the site, and the dimensions of each Tear are from about 30x30x50 cm, to 50x60x90 cm, more or less. The installation was already exhibited in Venice, commissioned by the Italian National Research Council – Institute of Marine Sciences (CNR-ISMAR) as part of the European project 'Life-Ghost' on marine waste, phantom nets and microplastics. ( My artistic research is always focused on the elaboration of social and environmental issues. My works, preferably designed site and contest specific, want to stop the attention on the awareness of the present environment, for an idea of the future and a personal responsibility, because everyone is an agent of change. As an artist and curator I led for years also workshops and internships on environmental issues for people and students of all ages.