Top 100 artworks

These are our Top 100 submissions of artists for the Universal Sea – pure or plastic?!


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Ritual Wave
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Ritual Wave


Vague Rituel is a art video . last 2mn05s. created in 2016. Film produced with support from fondation Good Planet. "The consumer society" : The expression is often used as a critique of our capitalist society And media. In some respects we can see the mimicry of culture with nature. In Vague Ritual it is the mixture of nature and culture that appears as one and the same face of a play that humanity plays. "The fever of consumption is a fever of obedience to an order not stated." Said Pier Paolo Pasolini; Today we consume our nature as we consume a disposable pen or Hamburger. The zoos replace nature, the "reserves" replace the nature of the living by a supposed protectionism. Where does humanity go in its quest for pleasure and freedom from nature? The only way it can have, if not to backtrack, is to create another nature, a hybrid world, the fruit of the intermingling of culture with nature.
Vague Rituel is a art video . last 2mn05s. created in 2016. Film produced with support from fondation Good Planet. "The consumer society" : The expression is often used as a critique of our capitalist society And media. In some respects we can see the mimicry of culture with nature. In Vague Ritual it is the mixture of nature and culture that appears as one and the same face of a play that humanity plays. "The fever of consumption is a fever of obedience to an order not stated." Said Pier Paolo Pasolini; Today we consume our nature as we consume a disposable pen or Hamburger. The zoos replace nature, the "reserves" replace the nature of the living by a supposed protectionism. Where does humanity go in its quest for pleasure and freedom from nature? The only way it can have, if not to backtrack, is to create another nature, a hybrid world, the fruit of the intermingling of culture with nature.
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