Ecology is cool, recycling is sexy and The Universal Sea is looking for you. Let us reveal the opportunities of art meeting entrepreneurship while building new solutions to fight water pollution.
Through a worldwide Open Call we want to reach out for creatives around the globe, whose artworks deal with water in the Anthropocene; the human impact on the environment. Artists play an important role in our project sensitizing people and moving them on an emotional level. By combining the most innovating artistic works, the latest scientific insights and the best entrepreneurial know-how we aim at building a community of people who foster and develop new technologies to solve water issues in the world.
In spring 2018, The Grand Opening – an art and scientific exhibition presents the most efficient propositions to the public at The Center for Polish Sculpture in Oronsko, Poland. Meanwhile, all around Europe, activities such as art residences, public workshops and travelling exhibitions are organised for you to get involved.
Eventually, the Universal Sea Festival in Budapest will be held in autumn 2018, bringing together the public and all participants including artists, scientists, entrepreneurs and key-speakers; presenting the results of the whole project ready to be put into action.
Still wondering why you should join us?
Here you go:
- You are tired of the chitchatting and you are ready to bring things forward.
- You are going to get in touch with artists, scientists and entrepreneurs that will bring your concepts to the next level.
- You become part of a movement of changemakers, who are as active as you are.
- We encourage you to think bigger, to create ideas that affect at least one million people.
- Your ideas and projects will be the next solution to clean water, rivers and oceans.
- You will once for all stop feeling guilty in your bed at night.
It is about joining forces. To make a change we need the support of every single hand and brain. The Universal Sea is about creating a movement, where art and innovative solutions are combined to act against water contamination. Our action lays on the shoulders of the many and not only a few.
The Universal Sea – Pure or Plastic?! Your choice, your action!