Welcome to the first smart-green meet-up!
Here are the speakers for the event:
-Thomas Andersen, Andersen Marketing, Sustainability and Crowdsourcing in (Startup) Business Ideas
-Yannick Sebastian Müller, Everlean, Smart solutions for sustainability
-Antonella Tezza, Fairworks, Brands and digital experiences for an equitable and sustainable world
-Soline Bonnel, BE.ive, Sustainability for entrepreneurs
-Nadim Choucair, UNLEASH Talent 2017, The UN’s Agenda 2030 & Ecosystem Building for Sustainable Development – The Unleash Experience
The meetup will be moderated by Miguelángel Verde Garrido, Co-founder/co-director of Berlin Forum on Global Politics
Special Guest: Dr. Katharina Reuter, Director of the Federal Association of Green Business unternehmensgruen.org
During the Meetup, we will also talk about the next events: talenteco.events.
Anybody interested in sustainability can join: those already involved and those who would like to know more on this issue. It will be an international evening of networking and startup presentations. You will be able to meet consultants and investors. Bring your business cards! Please note the event will be in English.
Do not hesitate to contact us: info@talenteco.events
Link to event here.