U.N. Global Goals Jam Hong Kong 2018 – UNSDG Spotlight #3
From22/09/2018 19:00h
To23/09/2018 21:00h

The U.N. Global Goals Jam (GGJ) is coming to Hong Kong for the first time ever!

If you are passionate about making a change and want to use your skills to make it happen, then the Global Goals Jam is for you!

It is a worldwide event where teams in different countries will be developing innovative and practical solutions for the most pressing world challenges based on the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). In this year’s Jam, you will have the opportunity to address real-life issues related to the following SDGs:

• No Poverty (#1)
• Good Health and Well-being (#3)
• Gender Equality (#5)
• Affordable and Clean Energy (#7)
• Sustainable Cities and Communities (#11)


The U.N. Global Goals Jam Hong Kong 2018 – Community Meetup #3

In the build-up to the U.N. Global Goals Jam Hong Kong 2018 (GGJHK2018), which will take place on September 22-23, 2018, we are putting together an inspiring series of talks on 5 selected U.N. Sustainable Development Goals (UNSDGs).

Having discussed gender equality in July and clean energy & sustainable cities in August, we will now turn our focus to UNSDGs #1 and #3: No Poverty and Good Health and Well-Being, at our third and final event before the Jam, on Thursday September 6. Economic, physical and mental health are all important focuses as our world continues to develop at a fast pace. Besides ensuring that economic development does not only just benefit a select few, we must also not leave anyone behind when it comes to health and well-being. How can we balance these gargantuan tasks?

Joining us will be luminaries and leaders who have their eyes on the global picture but are doing inspiring work on the ground in Hong Kong, to share with us their thoughts and challenges and inspire us to #Design2030.

Speakers TBC


About Global Goals Jam (GGJ)

Led by the United Nations Development Programme, the Global Goals Jam (GGJ) is a two-day global event consisting of short design sprints. Creative teams of designers, developers and Jammers from local communities work together using the Global Goals Jam Kit. Together, we will create and design interventions for the U.N. Sustainable Development Goals (UNSDGs).

The U.N. Global Goals Jam Hong Kong 2018 (GGJHK2018) is co-organized by Loftwork Hong Kong and SUSTAINHK, with support from the World Economic Forum Global Shapers Hong Kong Hub, Garage Academy and MTRL HK.

*GGJ is a not-for-profit event. If you are interested in sponsoring please email

Why participate?

The #GlobalGoalsJam is a unique opportunity for you to design and test solutions to global issues, where you will be able to put into practice or learn new skills in different areas that can go from data science to digital design and building relationships and connections. You will also have the opportunity to apply your teamwork skills and do networking and connections with people that share your interests.

Join us to #Design2030 and let’s work together for a better world!