TUS Art Gallery

Our EU co-funded project The Universal Sea ran three Open Calls to Artists. A big thank to all artists for their great contributions! Here you can find our online art gallery of the Top 100 submissions of our first open call as a reference. They were all published in the guidebook.

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by Nadine Baldow
Contest is finished!

Nadine Baldow

PROPOSAL FOR THE OPEN CALL “THE UNIVERSAL SEA” CABINET OF PLASTIC WONDER - a story of dystopia - by Nadine Baldow STORY It's the year 2100. The world as we know it does no longer exist. Plastic occupied the whole earth and life changed dramatically. As most of the plastic waste ends up in the sea, especially the living beings in the sea had to cope with the impact of various plastic invasions: unstoppable plastic in small pieces everywhere, plastic as a deforming force etc... The futuristic CABINET OF PLASTIC WONDER shows the impact plastic had in the 2050s and how life dealt with it – or not. It displays objects or curiosities of an apocalyptic scenario in our future. HOW WILL THE “CABINET OF PLASTIC WONDER” LOOK LIKE? In its exhibition manner, the CABINET OF PLASTIC WONDER will refer to the cabinets of curiosities of the 17th century. The objects will be presented as curiosities in showcases and on shelves. The style of showcases and shelves will be simple and futuristic with the aim to create the cold atmosphere of a laboratory. The materials of those exhibition items of furniture will be glass and steel. Dystopic but aesthetic stories will be told by the exhibited objects. The impact of the artificial alien-like material plastic will be shown. Possible exhibition objects might be: corals growing on plastic waste, the combination of stuffed animals with plastic easily identifiable as every-day-plastic etc.. The CABINET OF PLASTIC WONDERS consists of approximately 3-5 shelves of steel, 7 – 10 showcases in various sizes and 1-3 single socles. The shelves will be packed with objects of curiosities, the showcases and socles will present isolated objects. ARTIST STATEMENT The question of our human relationship to nature is the basis of my work as an artist. One observation I made thereby is the tendency that mankind seems to be driven to optimize their living space in a dominant way on their own terms. Nature solely becomes a resource. Despite the newly popular trend of wanting to “restore nature”, industrialization and the attached development of a far-reaching infrastructure are endlessly emerging.  There is hardly any place on earth where no human being has already been before. Nature is rather subordinated in those processes and rarely seen as an equal part, much less would the human being feel to be in an inferior position to “mother nature”.If we just see the potential of controllable resources in our surroundings, are we still part of nature?
PROPOSAL FOR THE OPEN CALL “THE UNIVERSAL SEA” CABINET OF PLASTIC WONDER - a story of dystopia - by Nadine Baldow STORY It's the year 2100. The world as we know it does no longer exist. Plastic occupied the whole earth and life changed dramatically. As most of the plastic waste ends up in the sea, especially the living beings in the sea had to cope with the impact of various plastic invasions: unstoppable plastic in small pieces everywhere, plastic as a deforming force etc... The futuristic CABINET OF PLASTIC WONDER shows the impact plastic had in the 2050s and how life dealt with it – or not. It displays objects or curiosities of an apocalyptic scenario in our future. HOW WILL THE “CABINET OF PLASTIC WONDER” LOOK LIKE? In its exhibition manner, the CABINET OF PLASTIC WONDER will refer to the cabinets of curiosities of the 17th century. The objects will be presented as curiosities in showcases and on shelves. The style of showcases and shelves will be simple and futuristic with the aim to create the cold atmosphere of a laboratory. The materials of those exhibition items of furniture will be glass and steel. Dystopic but aesthetic stories will be told by the exhibited objects. The impact of the artificial alien-like material plastic will be shown. Possible exhibition objects might be: corals growing on plastic waste, the combination of stuffed animals with plastic easily identifiable as every-day-plastic etc.. The CABINET OF PLASTIC WONDERS consists of approximately 3-5 shelves of steel, 7 – 10 showcases in various sizes and 1-3 single socles. The shelves will be packed with objects of curiosities, the showcases and socles will present isolated objects. ARTIST STATEMENT The question of our human relationship to nature is the basis of my work as an artist. One observation I made thereby is the tendency that mankind seems to be driven to optimize their living space in a dominant way on their own terms. Nature solely becomes a resource. Despite the newly popular trend of wanting to “restore nature”, industrialization and the attached development of a far-reaching infrastructure are endlessly emerging.  There is hardly any place on earth where no human being has already been before. Nature is rather subordinated in those processes and rarely seen as an equal part, much less would the human being feel to be in an inferior position to “mother nature”.If we just see the potential of controllable resources in our surroundings, are we still part of nature?
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