On 5 and 6 October 2017, the European Union hosted the 4th edition of the Our Ocean conference in Malta. Through these conferences we strive to inspire the next generation of leaders, entrepreneurs, scientists, and civil society to identify solutions and commit to actions to protect and conserve our ocean and its resources.The outcome of the conference was unprecedented and stands to prove that together we can ensure a future for Our Ocean, which is safe, secure, clean and healthy:
- 437 tangible and measurable commitments
- EUR 7.2 billion in financial pledges
- 2.5 million square kilometres of additional Marine Protected Areas
The EU’s 36 commitments alone exceeded EUR 550 million and implied action throughout the globe. Together with its individual Member States and the European Investment Bank, the EU pledged more than EUR 2.8 billion.
Other countries tabled over 200 commitments, whilst NGOs, foundations, research institutes and international organisations announced 87 commitments. As a major game-changer, the 2017 conference for the first time mobilised at scale the business community in the conservation of Our Ocean. Corporate leaders responded with 100 commitments. From plastic reduction to satellite monitoring.
Their website is part of the Our Ocean 2017 legacy. Explore all commitments per thematic area or (re)discover inspiring panel debates.
Next “Our Ocean Conferences” are planned in Bali, Indonesia followed by Norway (2019) and Palau (2020).
More information HERE