The Grand Opening

We are proud to announce the Grand Opening of our art and innovation project: The Universal Sea – Pure or Plastic?!.

The art and science exhibition organized by The Universal Sea will take place at the museum, The Center for Polish Sculpture in Oronsko, Poland.

Find full programme HERE

Flexibility and durability are the main features of plastic products. Hence, exactly these characteristics make plastic a problem when it becomes waste. As a consequence, plastic litter needs hundreds to thousands of years to disintegrate.

“The Universal Sea: Pure or Plastic?!”, an EU funded project, links scientific findings with artistic creations offering a new perspective on this urgent topic. The exhibition includes the artworks of the Top 5 winners of the worldwide open call as well as the Top 100 artistic proposals.

For the Grand Opening, our partner EUCC-D backs up scientifically the art projects bringing the concepts to a new level thanks to this art-science alliance.
The show, firstly presented at the museum, is planned as a touring exhibition and will take a stop in 6 cities this year. Co-creation workshops and networking events at the museum and later around Europe will bring artists, scientists, and entrepreneurs together and will be open to the public. These actions aim to raise awareness and brainstorm on fast and efficient key solutions to solve plastic dumping.

We are water. There is no life without this simple particle. Salty or pure,
water is life and, as humans, we have to protect its purity from one of the
biggest danger: the plastic waste.
Today, water is at big risk because of pollution and of the numerous
unacceptable behaviours of people. But thanks to Art we can do something
to save it. – Pablo Dilet, artist

So mark your calendars and save the date. We can’t wait to meet you at the Center for Polish Sculpture in Oronsko,  Poland!


Exhibition: April 22 – June 10, 2018.

Address: Centre for Polish Sculpture, Topolowa 1, 26-505 Orońsko, Poland
Opening hours: Tue-Fri 10.00 – 17.00, Sat-Sun 10.00 – 18.00