Top 100 artworks

These are our Top 100 submissions of artists for the Universal Sea – pure or plastic?!


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SEA Agitators
by borgnaclaudia
Contest is finished!
SEA Agitators


SEA here stands both for Socially Engaged Art and for Sea. A participatory performance, the audience is tied to the artist with ropes. The artist tries and throws all sorts of rubbish and junk food against a video of the sea projected on the wall. Forced into an accomplice, the audience tries to prevent the artist to pollute the projection of the sea. The performance becomes a strenuous struggle of resistance and pull and push from all sides engaging the participants bodies by smelling, listening, touching, looking, using muscle force, perspiring, breathing, hearing and screaming. A sort of sensorial abstract painting visually composed by the marks and smudges of the items smashed all over the wall ceiling and floor and by the smell of the mix of ingredients, is the left over mess that participants will have to clean up furthering the performance into a second part.
SEA here stands both for Socially Engaged Art and for Sea. A participatory performance, the audience is tied to the artist with ropes. The artist tries and throws all sorts of rubbish and junk food against a video of the sea projected on the wall. Forced into an accomplice, the audience tries to prevent the artist to pollute the projection of the sea. The performance becomes a strenuous struggle of resistance and pull and push from all sides engaging the participants bodies by smelling, listening, touching, looking, using muscle force, perspiring, breathing, hearing and screaming. A sort of sensorial abstract painting visually composed by the marks and smudges of the items smashed all over the wall ceiling and floor and by the smell of the mix of ingredients, is the left over mess that participants will have to clean up furthering the performance into a second part.
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