Top 100 artworks

These are our Top 100 submissions of artists for the Universal Sea – pure or plastic?!


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Ghost Island
Contest is finished!
Ghost Island


Ghost Island is a 6 meters pile of ghost fishing nets collected in the sea around Krabi. The installation recalls the particular geology of the surrounding islands formed by the accumulation and stratification of numerous distinct layers. It also addresses waste at sea, and the difficult but necessary labor needed to protect our environment. We are aiming to work with a group environmental activists diver that will participate to protect the coral around the islands and free-trapped animals from the nets. In this way the main material used for the construction of the new island will be free and help cleaning up the sea.
Ghost Island is a 6 meters pile of ghost fishing nets collected in the sea around Krabi. The installation recalls the particular geology of the surrounding islands formed by the accumulation and stratification of numerous distinct layers. It also addresses waste at sea, and the difficult but necessary labor needed to protect our environment. We are aiming to work with a group environmental activists diver that will participate to protect the coral around the islands and free-trapped animals from the nets. In this way the main material used for the construction of the new island will be free and help cleaning up the sea.
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