Top 100 artworks

These are our Top 100 submissions of artists for the Universal Sea – pure or plastic?!


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Emotional Resonance
by Claudia Livia
Contest is finished!
Emotional Resonance

Claudia Livia

Empathy for nature is crucial in life, as well as in art. But: How should art aim to generate empathy? “Emotional Resonance” attempts to answer that question by exploring the homonymous phenomenon that creates an invisible bond between emotions, people, and experiences. The heartbeat is a linear and independent response to our emotions, captured by the artwork and translated into water drops and light reflections to create a unique visualization of your feelings through the element of water. Indeed, water is the essence of life, together with light and emotions. An artwork as a medium to share sensations and to see their resonance in the space.
Empathy for nature is crucial in life, as well as in art. But: How should art aim to generate empathy? “Emotional Resonance” attempts to answer that question by exploring the homonymous phenomenon that creates an invisible bond between emotions, people, and experiences. The heartbeat is a linear and independent response to our emotions, captured by the artwork and translated into water drops and light reflections to create a unique visualization of your feelings through the element of water. Indeed, water is the essence of life, together with light and emotions. An artwork as a medium to share sensations and to see their resonance in the space.
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