Top 100 artworks

These are our Top 100 submissions of artists for the Universal Sea – pure or plastic?!


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Gwen van den Bout
by Gwen van den Bout
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Gwen van den Bout

Gwen van den Bout

“Plastic exit” is an atmospheric installation artwork made by Gwen van den Bout. I am a conceptual artist and designer focussing on work that appeal to multiple senses. In my practice I see my role as a bridge between the hard data and the soft human sized personal experience of these problems. Micro plastics and sea pollution are so called “wicked problems”, which means everybody contributes to the problem and is a stakeholder but nobody is/ feels responsible for it. As a conceptual artists and designer I am aiming to make this with my artworks more tangible and relatable to individuals in a poetic way. The artwork addresses ecological urgencies affecting the oceans while exploring new immersive methods of local and global systems of water pollution, and the data through which it is measured. This project mostly focusses on the water pollution caused by plastic and the human impact on the environment and our oceans. The artwork will contain a space where plastic sheets are used as projection screens. Projections will show a utopian world in which water pollution data are translated to a story based experience. It is a speculative world that sensitises visitors on an emotional level about these communal issues. So, the project “Plastic exit” redesigns our environment, demonstrating that it can be a utopian space. This installation and series of actions explore new ways to experience and understand water pollution and data. Visitors are invited to participate in actions in order to relate to the poetic installation artwork on different levels of engagement. It bridges hard data and soft human sized personal experience in an intuitive and sensory way.
“Plastic exit” is an atmospheric installation artwork made by Gwen van den Bout. I am a conceptual artist and designer focussing on work that appeal to multiple senses. In my practice I see my role as a bridge between the hard data and the soft human sized personal experience of these problems. Micro plastics and sea pollution are so called “wicked problems”, which means everybody contributes to the problem and is a stakeholder but nobody is/ feels responsible for it. As a conceptual artists and designer I am aiming to make this with my artworks more tangible and relatable to individuals in a poetic way. The artwork addresses ecological urgencies affecting the oceans while exploring new immersive methods of local and global systems of water pollution, and the data through which it is measured. This project mostly focusses on the water pollution caused by plastic and the human impact on the environment and our oceans. The artwork will contain a space where plastic sheets are used as projection screens. Projections will show a utopian world in which water pollution data are translated to a story based experience. It is a speculative world that sensitises visitors on an emotional level about these communal issues. So, the project “Plastic exit” redesigns our environment, demonstrating that it can be a utopian space. This installation and series of actions explore new ways to experience and understand water pollution and data. Visitors are invited to participate in actions in order to relate to the poetic installation artwork on different levels of engagement. It bridges hard data and soft human sized personal experience in an intuitive and sensory way.
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