Top 100 artworks

These are our Top 100 submissions of artists for the Universal Sea – pure or plastic?!


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Fabricated Purification
by CV Peterson
Contest is finished!
Fabricated Purification

CV Peterson

I have been following Sherri Mason’s research on plastic levels in water, beer and salt (particularly sea salt) that is to be published in collaboration with University of Minnesota. Through her research she believes that Americans ingest at least 660 particles of plastic each year through sea salt and water intake. The United Nations states that “up to 12.7m tonnes of plastic enters the world’s oceans every year, equivalent to dumping one garbage truck of plastic per minute into the world’s oceans.” I am in the process of developing a public interactive performance art piece and installation that depicts elements of this research in accessiable ways for a larger audience. The performance will be a series of actions that manipulate plastic and salt with themes of purification, cleansing, ritual and humanity’s contribution to a growing plastic-based ecosystem. The public interactive portion to the performance is comprised of the audience being offered tea, a beverage seen to be calming, and cleansing. The trash of the participants (i.e. plastic wrappers of the tea, Styrofoam cups, etc.) will be collected and I will use them in a performance that will also include mass quanitites of salt that I will be raking, and pouring into purification symbols. The complete action that includes the material from the interactive portion is still being developed. The installation that forms the setting for the performance is a room filled with a woven waterfall of salt crystalized strands. The strands will be plastic string I have crocheted from shredded plastic bags and soaked in salt water until they are covered in crystals. This symbolizes the growth of plastic in our oceans and how the plastic is now becoming a part of sea salt -- Humanity’s active contribution to a plastic-based ecosystem.
I have been following Sherri Mason’s research on plastic levels in water, beer and salt (particularly sea salt) that is to be published in collaboration with University of Minnesota. Through her research she believes that Americans ingest at least 660 particles of plastic each year through sea salt and water intake. The United Nations states that “up to 12.7m tonnes of plastic enters the world’s oceans every year, equivalent to dumping one garbage truck of plastic per minute into the world’s oceans.” I am in the process of developing a public interactive performance art piece and installation that depicts elements of this research in accessiable ways for a larger audience. The performance will be a series of actions that manipulate plastic and salt with themes of purification, cleansing, ritual and humanity’s contribution to a growing plastic-based ecosystem. The public interactive portion to the performance is comprised of the audience being offered tea, a beverage seen to be calming, and cleansing. The trash of the participants (i.e. plastic wrappers of the tea, Styrofoam cups, etc.) will be collected and I will use them in a performance that will also include mass quanitites of salt that I will be raking, and pouring into purification symbols. The complete action that includes the material from the interactive portion is still being developed. The installation that forms the setting for the performance is a room filled with a woven waterfall of salt crystalized strands. The strands will be plastic string I have crocheted from shredded plastic bags and soaked in salt water until they are covered in crystals. This symbolizes the growth of plastic in our oceans and how the plastic is now becoming a part of sea salt -- Humanity’s active contribution to a plastic-based ecosystem.
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