Top 100 artworks

These are our Top 100 submissions of artists for the Universal Sea – pure or plastic?!


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The Days of This Society is Numbered
by Ben Duax
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The Days of This Society is Numbered

Ben Duax

in 2015 I restaged Rikrit Tiravanija's famous utopian project of cooking for gallery guests, but with the twist that I used fish harvested from New Yorks East River, one of the most polluted bodies of water in America. I would like to again, prepare a large meal for gallery guests, but with fish harvested from a similarly polluted body of water in Poland. I will also make a display about water pollution, incorporating my art brut influenced paintings.
in 2015 I restaged Rikrit Tiravanija's famous utopian project of cooking for gallery guests, but with the twist that I used fish harvested from New Yorks East River, one of the most polluted bodies of water in America. I would like to again, prepare a large meal for gallery guests, but with fish harvested from a similarly polluted body of water in Poland. I will also make a display about water pollution, incorporating my art brut influenced paintings.
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