Top 100 artworks

These are our Top 100 submissions of artists for the Universal Sea – pure or plastic?!


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by Nevena Vuksanovic
Contest is finished!

Nevena Vuksanovic

Description of proposed sculpture installation On a large wooden board I would install a streighten thin boards which would be used as a construction. On them I would fasten short perpendicular boards. Discarded materials found on the beach I would fill in the nets made of rope. These nets I would I would later hang an glue on vertical boards. In the end I would spray the sculpture with a blue paint . Embedded white objects would remain on top of the sculpture that should remind us of the foam created by the waves.
Description of proposed sculpture installation On a large wooden board I would install a streighten thin boards which would be used as a construction. On them I would fasten short perpendicular boards. Discarded materials found on the beach I would fill in the nets made of rope. These nets I would I would later hang an glue on vertical boards. In the end I would spray the sculpture with a blue paint . Embedded white objects would remain on top of the sculpture that should remind us of the foam created by the waves.
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