One of the main contributors to waste plastic are the numerous bottles of water retailed every day most of which are used just once. Many of these end up in the sea. The irony of bottles that once contained water becoming a problem in the water is at the heart of this project.
there are several options:
A large scale map of Poland will be created using empty, discarded water bottles brought in by the public and collected during numerous forays into the local environment. Through on going social interactive publicity requests for donations will be made. Each bottle will be filled with water and placed appropriately, exploiting the numerous sizes available a topological map will be emulated. This project will be added to my folio of map based installations. All labels will be removed thus creating a clear sight of view .
Looking across the array it will be seen that some natural colour is created. water is intrinsically clear it is only in volume in excess of 100 cm that trace colour can be seen. The bottled could be stacked to increase the impact of this installation, (up to three bottles high, beyond this the weight of the water would start to cause problems, fishing line can be used for extra stability fixing various stacks together in interlocking groups of three. creating this map with water filled bottles could , perhaps, also suggest sea level rise.

All at sea – An art project by Paul Matosic
I recently watched a U Tube clip showing how to turn plastic bottle into rope or string. A very simple device which can be easily constructed.
Using this device it would be possible to make a substantial amount of rope which can then be tied together to create a net. This net can then be installed in a space above head height (240 cm +) to create a false ceiling. Visitors to the space will be invited to throw all their plastic rubbish onto this false ceiling adding to other plastic that has been placed there. Plastic bags bottles spoons straws polystyrene packaging (food packaging should be washed before adding) cups etc. Some of this plastic may drop through the net but most will stay in place. gradually the net fills up obscuring the light from above.