The Universal Sea – Third Open Call For Short Films

Do you believe in the power of art as a catalyst for change?

Art has the power to spark emotions, questions and even action. This is why we are organizing an array of activities to fight the plastic epidemic

What is “The Universal Sea – Pure or Plastic?!”

Here at The Universal Sea, we explore new forms of collaboration between art, science, technology, and business. Visual art is our core focus as we believe it can reach people emotionally, stimulate creativity and get people involved. The Universal Sea is not just about rediscovering the role of the artist in our society; it also aims to highlight the possibilities that arise when art meets science and entrepreneurship. With the collaboration of experts and the public, we identify and co-create solutions tackling the burning issue of water pollution. We believe that art can trigger action, open new perspectives and support the development of creative solutions to the plastic epidemic.

Who can apply?

All artists and filmmakers are invited to participate in with short films. There are no restrictions based on gender, age or nationality.

What do we want?

We invite submissions of all kinds from creators who believe in our goal and wish to spread the message of environmental awareness.

What’s in it for you?

  • The short films are going to be screened and be presented at ART MOMENTS – The Universal Sea Budapest Festival (taking place mid-September till the end of October 2018 all across the city of Budapest, Hungary).
  • Your work credited on our website.
  • You contribute to an important global cause.

General guidelines

  • Only one (1) submission may be made per entrant.
  • Each submission must be the entrant’s own work and must not feature or focus on any material owned or controlled by third parties (unless the entrant can provide written documentation of permission to use any materials created by a third party).
  • There is no registration fee to enter the open call.
  • The decisions of the awarding jury are unrecallable and undeniable. Each applicant gives to The Universal Sea and its core partners*, without any compensation, the rights of reproduction, exhibition, publication, translation, and communication to the public, in any manner and without exception, for their works and for the texts submitted for the selection.
  • Must not have a pre-existing agreement with a film or television studio that would interfere with or prevent with entrant’s ability to participate in the Competition. The film must be uploaded in WMV, AVI, MP4.

* Core partners of the Universal Sea project are HybridArt Management, the Foundation for Entrepreneurship, Centre of Polish Sculpture, EUCC-Germany and the Institute for Art and Innovation. The project is co-funded by the EU (Creative Europe program).

How to apply?

To enter the Open Call potential entrants should upload the following required submission materials – all specified with the participant’s name and film title:

  • An image/ film still (1920 x 1440 pixel, 72dpi, horizontal image, jpeg)
  • A personal biography and short film description including titles and credits (not to exceed 500 words) as PDF;
  • A short film written AND directed by the entrant that is (i) between two (2) minutes and twenty (20) minutes in length; (ii) is wordless, in English or has English subtitles;
  • The film must be uploaded in WMV, AVI, MP4 via WeTransfer.

Please send your short film (WMV, AVI, MP4) and other documents (PDF, jpeg) via WeTransfer to the following e-mail address:

Subject: Universal Sea_Short Film_Your name


September 15th, 2018 at 23:59 CET.

The selection process

The best short films will be selected by The Universal Sea jury, and the winners will be announced on September 20th, 2018.
If you need further information you are welcome to chat with us at this email:

Websites |

Image by Alex Cote.