A new study was recently released about ‘How Americans Relate to Water’. Plastic and especially micro-plastic has been polluting our rivers, lakes, and ultimately the sea. This study shows that most people in the US see a strong relation between their personal life (Health 92% and Food 89%) and water. Therefore the motivation to protect our water should be quite big. But so far plastic pollution is increasing, and there is still a crazy amount of plastic reaching our waters. How come that the awareness is still far too low? We have to connect the relation we have to water, with the relation to plastic waste and water pollution. Only if this connection is made we will realise how important it is to avoid single-use plastic and fight against the plastic pollution!
The study was conducted by APM Research Lab and Wilder Research in behalf of Water Main.
The Water Main builds public will in support of clean, abundant, accessible water by bringing people together, informing and expanding perspectives, catalyzing new thinking and action, and collaborating with stakeholders.
The nonprofit research and evaluation group Wilder Research is a division of Amherst H. Wilder Foundation. They aim to help families and communities thrive, get at the core of community concerns, and uncover issues that are overlooked or poorly understood by gathering and interpreting facts and trends.
The APM Research Lab, a division of American Public Media, aims at informing the public by producing credible research- and analysis-based content. Their mission is to foster an engaged democracy by inspiring curiosity, inquiry and discussion through fact-driven, credible research and analysis.
Read the executive summary HERE.
Read the complete study HERE.
Featured photo by Erda Estremera.