DAILY SEA – public intervention in Budapest
Centre of Budapest
1st-15th October
During the ART MOMENTS The Universal Sea Budapest Festival, Kaethe Wenzel‘s Daily Sea posters will be on Display throughout the centre of Budapest.
Wenzel’s posters intriguingly juxtapose the simple aesthetic of infographics with science fiction and folklore motifs. They raise questions about the interconnectedness of human beings, other animals, the world’s oceans and our wider environment in general.
The aim of the posters is to offer six easy tips for avoiding plastic waste in our daily lives, described by Wenzel as, “Smalls steps, but with great results when adopted by many people.”
So keep your eyes peeled throughout October, for posters of little girls with octopus heads and emergency service turtles!
Check out our other events during the Art Moments – The Universal Sea Budapest Festival:
HybridArt Space (1052 Budapest, Galamb u. 6),
Hackathon: 4th October, 2 to 6 pm
Exhibition: 6th – 13th October
Exhibition opening:5th October, 7 pm
Art Moments Budapest – Site #2 – ‘Plastic Waste Labyrinth’ Public Intervention
Madách Imre tér
28th September – 1st October,
Art Market Budapest at the Millenáris Cultural Center
11th – 14th October.
Art Moments Budapest – Site #3 – International Exhibition
Mikve (1014 Budapest, Palota Street 1)
Opening of the exhibition: 11th October, 7 pm,
12th – 23rd October.
Art Moments Budapest – Site #4 – Public Space Intervention by Kaethe Wenzel
Daily Sea throughout the centre of Budapest
1st-15th October.
Art Moments Budapest – Site #5 – Sustainability and Art, International Conference
TRIP Hajó Boat (1011 Budapest, Szilágyi Dezső Square, 2nd pier)
5th October, 9:30 am.
Please register via this LINK.
Art Moments Budapest – Site #6 – Film Screening
Trafóklub (1094 Budapest, Liliom Street 41)
28th October, 6 pm.