A day of art and discussion on the river Danube
1011 Budapest, Szilágyi Dezső Square, 2nd pier
October 5, 2018
9:00 – Registration
9:30 – 17:30 Conference
If you do not read any of our other posts for the rest of the year, READ THIS ONE!
On 5th October 2018, as a part of the ART MOMENTS The Universal Sea Budapest Festival we will be holding, along with Hybridart, one of the most important events of our entire TUS project – a day-long sustainability and art conference aboard the TRIP Hajó boat on the river Danube.
The event will include a smorgasbord of presentations and roundtable discussions by Hungarian and international experts, academics and artists; based around four main themes:
- Rediscovering the role of the artist
- Art and Innovation
- Socially engaged art addressing the problem of water pollution
- Reaching and involving the public
Tom Szaky (HU), the founder and director of TerraCycle is the conference’s honoured guest and will join a plethora of other presenters including:
Dr. Gábor Bordós (Wessling, HU)
Weronika Elertowska (Center of Polish Sculpture in Oronsko, PL)
Bence Fülöp (Trinity Enviro ‐ ThinkTankTrinity, HU)
Katalin Gegeben (Equilor Fine Art, HU)
Gergely Hankó (Környezetvédelmi Szolgáltatók és Gyártók Szövetsége, HU)
Réka Hunyadi (Greenpeace Hungary)
Erika Kapronczai (film and creative producer, HU)
Liina Klauss (artist, IDN – DE)
Nicole Loeser (Institute for Art and Innovation, Berlin, DE)
Dániel LŐwy (Valor Hungariae, HU)
Ewa Markiewicz (artist, PL)
Gábor Máté (MOME University, HU)
Frankie Moughton-Small (artist, UK)
Maria Posern (European Coastal Union, DE)
Anthony Rossi (TerraCycle, USA)
Robertina Šebjanic (artist, SL)
Ede Sinkovics (artist, HU)
Kata Szeder (Hybridart Management, HU)
Péter Szebenyi (JÖN Alapítvány, Hulladekvadasz.hu)
Dr. Tamas Szücs (Principal Adviser, European Commission DG EAC)
Júlia Végh (artist, HU)
Karina Vissonova (Institute of Advanced Design Studies, HU)
Prof. Dr. Kaethe Wenzel (European University of Flensburg, DE)
Attending the conference is free of charge, but registration is required. Please register via this LINK.
We look forward to welcoming you aboard – this conference is promising to be ship-shape!
Make sure you also visit the Hybridart Space to see some really interesting and important work e.g. by artist Liina Klauss. She creates large compositions from plastic waste collected on beaches, and her works are often realized interactively with local communities, school classes, children, and adults.
Check out our other events during the Art Moments – The Universal Sea Budapest Festival:
Art Moments Budapest – Site #2 – ‘Plastic Waste Labyrinth’ Public Intervention
Madách Imre tér
28th September – 1st October,
Art Market Budapest at the Millenáris Cultural Center
11th – 14th October.
Art Moments Budapest – Site #3 – International Exhibition
Mikve (1014 Budapest, Palota Street 1)
Opening of the exhibition: 11th October, 7 pm,
12th – 23rd October.
Art Moments Budapest – Site #4 – Public Space Intervetion by Kaethe Wenzel
Daily Sea throughout the centre of Budapest
1st-15th October.
Art Moments Budapest – Site #5 – Sustainability and Art, International Conference
TRIP Hajó Boat (1011 Budapest, Szilágyi Dezső Square, 2nd pier)
5th October, 9:30 am.
Please register via this LINK.
Art Moments Budapest – Site #6 – Film Screening
Trafóklub (1094 Budapest, Liliom Street 41)
28th October, 6 pm.