On the weekend, 6-7 October 2018, we had the pleasure of being part of the Entrepreneurship Summit. It is organized by our project coordinator the Entrepreneurship Foundation and is one of the most important entrepreneurial events in Germany. More than 100 experts from various fields were present like Prof. Gerald Hüther, Frédéric Laloux, Dr. Renée Mauborgne, Monika Griefahn, Raùl Krauthausen, Wolf Lotter, Prof. Christian Kreiß to name just a few.
Furthermore, the summit has a particular interest in sustainable and circular businesses that go far beyond simply maximizing financial growth.
The Universal Sea enjoyed its participation at the summit consisting of an art-science-innovation exhibition, a workshop, and panel discussions. At our booth, our The Universal Sea team welcomed many visitors to learn about plastic pollution and our project especially our upcoming guidebook. Of great interest was to get involved with Grace Hewitt’s Research Project (follow this LINK to still get involved).

Grace Hewitt at The Universal Sea booth
Additionally, our Creative Lead Nicole Loeser was part of two panel discussions. She moderated the panel on art and innovation with inspiring speakers such as Timo Kahlen (Sound Sculptor/ Media Artist) and Nina Pestke (Soulbottles). The discussion dealt with questions like what is the role of artists in our society today, what cooperation between art and entrepreneurship can promote creative solutions to societal problems such as the plastic epidemic and water pollution?

Nicole Loeser talking at the panel discussion on art and innovation, 7 October 2018
Nicole Loeser was also invited as a panelist to another discussion round. This time on ‘art and entrepreneurship’ together with Sebastian Fleiter (artist and entrepreneur, Florian Komm (Startup & Scout & Investment Manager, Projektwerkstatt Gesellschaft für kreative Ökonomie GmbH) as well as Bo Wang (artist and entrepreneur). They talked about artists and entrepreneurs and what they can learn from each other, where are they equal and where are there differences in thinking and trading? Starting from these questions, the speakers reported on their very interesting experiences.

Nicole Loeser ( Institute for Art and Innovation) at the panel discussion about art and entrepreneurship
Photo credits: Nicole Loeser & Jonathan Kuhl
Some more impressions of the Summit HERE.